FCE Consulting Engineers has used the professional services of Unilec Power Systems for more than 10 years on various projects in South Africa. Just some projects Unilec Power Systems has completed for us;
Fifteen emergency standby generators, which vary from 40kVA to 500kVA, for the University of the Free State including a 9000L and 4500L bulk diesel tanks.; 5kW off grid solar system for Botshabelo water reservoir. ;350kVA emergency standby generator for North Cape Mall in Kimberley. ;200kVA emergency standby generator for 10 Barnes Street office block in Bloemfontein complete with dummy load.; Two emergency standby generators for Bloemfontein National Museum and Oliewenhuis Arts Gallery.
We can recommend Unilec Power Systems for any custom-built emergency standby generator installations, including sync, master & slave options and total off grid and grid tied solar installations.
We trust that you will find it in order.
Yours faithfully